How you can help...
There are many quick and easy ways to help support transgender and non-binary youth...and many from the comfort of your own home:
1. VOTE! Be sure to vet government officials running for office to be sure that they support the rights of trans and non-binary youth. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!
2. Tell elected officials to stop targeting LGBTQ+ youth now! Add your name to the HRC now... CLICK HERE
3. Knowledge is power! Educate yourself with a few key facts that will help you to explain why you support transgender and non-binary youth. The fact that over 50% considered suicide in 2020 is a powerful fact that few people are aware of. See the Trans Youth Sports and Trans Youth Healthcare sections of this site to better understand the issues.
4. Visit A Guide to Being an Ally to Transgender and Nonbinary Youth on the Trevor Project website to learn how to become a better ally to this vulnerable community.
5. Wear your support! Purchase a t-shirt or sweatshirt here, or from any other LGBTQ+ support organization. 10% of all NoGenderLines sales is donated to The Trevor Project!